Congratulations to the Optimist Student of the Month Chloe Schutzenhofer!
10 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
Congratulations to the character winners for the month of March!
10 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
Good morning: Our internet and phones are currently down. Christine at MPC will be checking her email on her phone if you need to contact the Primary Center. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks.
11 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
Panther Pride Assembly at MPC!
15 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
Congratulations to the Young Authors Contest winners Thomas Bauer, Mattox Ticknor, Alice Curtis, Aubrey Keck, Edyn Greenfield, Bryson Marino, not pictured Nellie Muskopf!
16 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
We had a great assembly yesterday at MPC. Thanks Monroe County Coop for your Live Line Demonstration!
17 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
Congratulations to both the 7th and 8th grade volleyball teams for their victories over Columbia tonight!
17 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
Anyone who has a kindergartner starting this fall please have registration paperwork to the Primary Center as soon as possible. Students must turn 5 before Sept. 1st to be eligible for Kindergarten. If you have not received a registration packet, it can be found on the school website under "Kindergarten Registration" on the main page. Please send completed paperwork to Christine Sosa electronically. Her email is: Please call Christine at 618-476-7100 ext. 1021 if you have any questions or need to drop off hard copies of paperwork. Please spread the word. Thanks
17 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
Please help me save lives with the American Heart Association! I’m participating in my school’s Kids Heart Challenge and raising funds to help everyone have healthy hearts. I’m also learning things like how to keep my own heart, brain and lungs strong, how to save a life with Hands-Only CPR, the warning signs of a stroke and ways to de-stress. I’m really excited and hope you will help me save lives by donating! If you help Mr. Emge raise $250, the Primary Center will receive an extra $500.00 to use on PE equipment! Thank you!
22 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
Tomorrow will be a "wear purple for Regan" day. Please wear purple to support Regan. It would be awesome for her to see everyone in purple tomorrow! Thanks.
22 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
MPC parents, Christine Sosa is able to check emails with her phone if you need to contact the Primary Center. Thanks.
25 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
Good morning: Our internet and phones are currently not working. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thanks for your understanding.
25 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
Good morning: On March 5th, from 5-7 is the March Madness Skate Night at Skate City in Belleville. Admission is $7 and skate rental is $5. Thanks.
25 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
Anyone who has a kindergartner starting this fall please have registration paperwork to the Primary Center before March 7th. Students must turn 5 before Sept. 1st to be eligible for Kindergarten. If you have not received a registration packet, it can be found on the school website under "Kindergarten Registration" on the main page. Please send completed paperwork to Christine Sosa electronically. Her email is: Please call Christine at 618-476-7100 ext. 1021 if you have any questions or need to drop off hard copies of paperwork. Thanks
28 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
The PTA silent auction closes tonight at 10 PM! Today is your last chance to bid on some amazing packages, special treasures from our teachers, and classroom items handmade by the children. LInk here: Please note: Winners will automatically be notified after the auction closes tonight. Pick up is Sunday, March 2nd at the MPC library from 10 AM - 2 PM.
29 days ago, Millstadt CCSD
Congratulations to the 8th grade volleyball team for their victory over Waterloo tonight!
about 1 month ago, Millstadt CCSD
Anyone who has a kindergartner starting this fall please have registration paperwork to the Primary Center before March 7th. Students must turn 5 before Sept. 1st to be eligible for Kindergarten. If you have not received a registration packet, it can be found on the school website under "Kindergarten Registration" on the main page. Please send completed paperwork to Christine Sosa electronically. Her email is: Please call Christine at 618-476-7100 ext. 1021 if you have any questions or need to drop off hard copies of paperwork. Thanks.
about 1 month ago, Millstadt CCSD
Congratulations to the MCS Scholar Bowl Team. They finished sixth in the conference tournament today. Conor Branham was MCS tossup champ for the second year in a row.
about 1 month ago, Millstadt CCSD
Congratulations to the January Character winners!
about 1 month ago, Millstadt CCSD
Congratulations to the 7th grade volleyball team for winning the Red Bud Tournament!
about 2 months ago, Millstadt CCSD