Monday, February 27, 2023
Character Ed Theme – Integrity
- Band Students – Fantastic job at the IGSMA solo & Ensemble contest Saturday. There were 109 entries and we received 11 – 1st place Superiors, 74 - 1st place Solos, 2- 2nd place Solos, 6 – 1st place Superior Ensembles, and 16 – 1st place Ensembles. Jazz Band brought home a 1st place Superior rating as well. Way to go and Congratulations to everyone!
- Science Olympiad placed in the regional competition on February 11th. The team members are: Annabelle Brunner, Kaden Copling-Jaroenngarm, Colin Kenny, Joel Kurfman, Myles Kurfman, JT Milton, Adam Sangiolo, Tilly Segraves, Eli Seneczyn, Maelyn Vogel, Emma Vrooman, Evan Wheeler, Jake Whitney, & Jett Wikgren They worked so hard and overcame a few obstacles and came out as champions! Out of 23 events, they received 10 first place medals and 5 second place medals. Overall, the team placed 1st and will be going on to State in April at U of I! Congrats team!
- 6th Grade Volleyball – No practice tonight
- Odyssey of the Mind is in need of paper towel and toilet paper tubes (empty). If you can save any, we'd appreciate it! They can be brought / sent down to my room. Thank you so much! – Mrs. Rasmussen
| February/March |
| 7/8 Volleyball HOME vs Wesclin 8th Grade Parent Night
| 4:15pm
| PTA Meeting MPC Library | 6:30pm
| Beta Club Meeting Room 209 | 7:30pm
| 6/7/8 Volleyball at Smithton | 4:15pm |
3/3 | PreK Screenings @ MPC |