Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Character Ed Theme – Integrity
- Yearbooks are on sale! You can purchase a yearbook online for a discounted price. Go to If you are bringing in a paper order please make checks out to MCS. Orders are due November 21st.
- 8th Graders-Please bring in a baby picture 4x6 or smaller marked with your name and homeroom if you would like it included in the yearbook. All pictures will be returned. Baby pictures are due November 21st.
- Student Council Food Drive-MCS Student Council wants to pack the shelves! Please send in any non-expired donations that you have available on Thursday and Friday this week to be delivered on Saturday morning. Thank you for all you do to support our community!
- Flag Practice schedule until Fall Band concert is 9/27, 9/29, 10/2.
- The Student Council is hosting a YeeHaw Dance on Friday, September 29th from 7-9 for 6th-8th grade. The theme is Western with the same fantastic DJ! Permission slips will be available starting Thursday.
- At our conference meet the girls team placed 3rd and boys team placed 4th. We had a few individuals medal and place in the top 20. Congrats to all who ran! Coach Keeley
-Easton Blair placed 2nd -Cooper Boron placed 9th -Eli Senezyn placed 16th -Alyssa Sternau placed 5th -Tilly Segraves placed 8th -Lucy Senezyn placed 13th
| August |
| Cross Country @ Waterloo |
| Student Council Food Drive-Pack the Pantry! | All Day
| Play Performance Grades 5-8 | 9:15am
| Play Performance Grades K-4 | 1:00pm
| Cross Country @ Highland | 4:00pm
| Play Performance-Evening | 6:00pm
| Jr.High “Yee Haw” Dance | 7:00-9:00pm
| Cross Country @ Red Bud | TBA/4:00p?
| Student Council Meeting | 7:15am
| Fall Band Concert | 7:00pm
| Student Band Concert | 9:00am
10/4 | Cross Country Regional @ Waterloo | 4:00pm |
10/4 | PTA Meeting @ MPC | 7:00pm |
10/5 | Math Team Practice | 7:30am |
10/9 | Holiday-No School | N/A |
10/10 | Teacher Institute-No School | N/A |
10/11 | ECC/PK Field Trip Brauetigam’s Orchard | 8:30am 7:30am |
10/12 | Math Team Practice |
| |
| Fall Festival | 5:30pm