Friday, September 29, 2023
Character Ed Theme – Integrity
- Vocal Motion has practice during lunch recess today. Don’t forget!
- Yearbooks are on sale! You can purchase a yearbook online for a discounted price. Go to If you are bringing in a paper order please make checks out to MCS. Orders are due November 21st.
- 8th Graders-Please bring in a baby picture 4x6 or smaller marked with your name and homeroom if you would like it included in the yearbook. All pictures will be returned. Baby pictures are due November 21st.
- Today is the last day for the Pack the Pantry canned food drive. All donations should be in the atrium outside the gym by the end of the day. Thank you to everyone who has participated!!
- Flag Practice schedule until Fall Band concert is 9/29, 10/2.
- Don't Forget tonight is the YeeHaw Dance. Don't forget your signed permission slip and let's remember to DANCE and have fun:-)
- Yesterday cross country ran in Highland, and we had a lot of athletes run their best times. Congrats to all of you. We also had a couple individuals receive medals. Alyssa Sternau placed 10th overall and Easton Blair placed 4th overall! Well done panthers! --Coach Keeley
- “All available crewmembers from the school play should meet Mrs. Fischer in the gym today during study hall to help take down the set. Thank you!”
- Congratulations to the cast and crew of Big Bad on your three great performances yesterday. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to help make the play a success. We are so proud of you! -Mrs. Fischer, Miss Marlin, and Mrs. Thomas
| August |
| Jr High “Yee Haw” Dance |
| Cross Country @ Red Bud | TBA/4:00p?
| Student Council Meeting | 7:15am
| Fall Band Concert | 7:00pm
| Student Band Concert | 9:00am
| Cross Country Regional @ Waterloo | 4:00pm
| PTA Meeting @ MPC | 7:00pm
| Math Team Practice | 7:30am
| Holiday-No School | N/A
| Teacher Institute-No School | N/A
| ECC/PK Field Trip Brauetigam’s Orchard | 8:30am
| Math Team Practice | 7:30am
| Fall Festival | 5:30pm