Thursday, October 26, 2023
Character Ed Theme – Integrity
- Yearbooks are on sale! You can purchase a yearbook online for a discounted price. Go to If you are bringing in a paper order please make checks out to MCS. Orders are due November 21st.
- 8th Graders-Please bring in a baby picture 4x6 or smaller marked with your name and homeroom if you would like it included in the yearbook. All pictures will be returned. Baby pictures are due November 21st.
- Student Council is sponsoring A Sock it To Cancer Fundraiser this year. Keep filling those yellow socks to help support childhood cancer. Smithton School raised $4,850.00 and Columbia Middle School raised $6,021.00. Let's join our area schools and show them what Millstadt school can do! Donations are due Friday, October 27th. Highest donating classes at each school will get a pizza party. Make sure your name is on a piece of paper inside the sock with your homeroom teacher's name.
- Wrestling-There will be a wrestling meeting for boys and girls Thursday, October 26th at 3pm in the gym. Anyone interest is welcomed. Belleville West coach and former MCS athletes will be there to speak. They will have giveaways for all who come and are interested.
- 4th grade is sponsoring a Hat Day this Friday to raise money for the Millstadt VFW in honor of Veteran's Day. All grades are encouraged to participate. Please bring in your $1 donation and turn it in to your homeroom teacher this Friday, October 27 and you can wear a hat during school that day. Thank you!
- Ghost Grams are on sale this week at both schools. The cost is $1 and that includes a message and a ring pop. Get them at lunch at MCS and in the morning at MPC. Only three days are left to order your Ghost Grams. Delivery will be on Monday!
- Congratulations to our 8th Grade Boys Basketball Team who had a victory over Whiteside!
- Halloween Costumes can be worn on Monday, October 30th. Remember no masks, no weapons (real or fake), and no fake blood.
| October |
| Report Cards Distributed | N/A
| 7th Grade Boys Basketball Tourney @ Wolf Branch | TBA
| MPC Halloween Parade | 9:00am
| Panther Pride Assembly | 2:30pm
| 6/7/8 Boys Basketball @ Smithton | 5:00pm
| 7/8 Girls Basketball @ Columbia | 6:00pm
| No School – Parent/Teacher Conferences | 8am-3:30pm
| No School – Parent/Teacher Conferences | N/A
| PTA Meeting @ MPC | 7:00pm