Thursday, February 01, 2024
Character Ed Theme – Integrity
- Crazy Hats Skate Party is on Wednesday, February 28th from 5pm-7pm at Skate City. $7.00 Admission Fee and $4 Skate Rental. Bring your friends and family for a Private skate party for MCS only!
- Did you miss the yearbook ordering deadline? You have one last chance to get your orders submitted online. Please go to to place your order by February 16th. The purchase of extra yearbooks at the end of the year is not guaranteed, and there is not a waiting list. Order now!
- Student Council will be selling Val-o-grams February 5-9th. Send your Crush a Crush or treat yourself! They will be on sale during lunch and cost a $1
- Student Council will also be sponsoring a Sweetheart Dance on Friday, February 9th for 6th through 8th graders from 7-9pm. The cost is $5. Permission slips will be available as it gets a little closer.
- Attention students, Young Author's manuscripts are due no later than February 7th. No late entries will be accepted. Entries must have a substantial cover. Notebook paper will not be accepted. Winners will be notified by February 20th if they will be invited to attend the ceremony at Westhaven School. If you have any questions you may reach out to Mrs. Harms. Good luck authors!
- Odyssey of the Mind is hosting a FunDrive. Bring in your old clothes, shoes, bedding, books, and other soft goods by February 1st to help benefit our five Odyssey teams! Donations can be brought to Mrs. Rasmussen’s room or you can contact her at for a large donation! Please see virtual backpack for more details in the flyer.
- DONUT DAY is this Friday, February 2nd!
- Math Team News: Mathcounts at SIU-E is on Saturday February 3rd at 7:00am.
- Congrats to the 7th and 8th grade volleyball teams on their victories over Collinsville last night!
- The results of the St. Clair County Garden Club Sculpture Contest are in! 4th grader, Milana Scarbrough received first place from our school and 5th grader Diem Montgomery received an honorable mention. Congratulations! Please go to the Art Room after announcements to pick up your awards.
- Congratulation to our wrestlers who won against grant last night: Braiden Ditto, Ryan Kujawa, Cooper Boron, Austin Todd, Wyatt Dahm, Anderson Bauer, Layne Weng, Jett Wikgren, Luke Schmidt
- Scholar Bowl is dismissed at 3:55 day for their match
| January |
2/1 | Scholar Bowl @ Valmeyer |
3:45pm |
| MTA Donut Day |
| Mathcounts @ SIU-E | 7:00am
| Chess @ HOME | 4:00pm
2/6 | Student Council Meeting | 7:15am |
2/6 | Scholar Bowl @ Smithton | 3:45pm |
2/6 | 6/7/8 Volleyball @ Smithton | 4:15pm |
2/7 | Wrestling @ HOME vs Mascoutah |
5:00pm |
| PTA Meeting @ MPC | 7:00pm
2/8 | Scholar Bowl @ Waterloo | 3:45pm |
| 6/7/8 Volleyball @ Waterloo | 4:15pm
| Jr High Semi-Formal Sweetheart Dance | 7:00pm
2/13 | Student Council Meeting | 7:15am |
2/13 | Scholar Bowl @ HOME vs Freeburg | 3:45pm |
| 7/8 Volleyball @ HOME vs Columbia | 5:00pm
| 8th Grade Volleyball @ HOME vs St.James | 5:00pm
| Scholar Bowl @ SPPCS | 3:45pm
| No School – President’s Day | 4:15pm
2/20 | Scholar Bowl @ HOME vs Marissa | 3:45pm |
| Board Meeting in Band Room | 7:00pm
2/22 | Scholar Bowl & HOME vs Red Bud | 3:45pm |
| 6/7/8 Volleyball @ HOME vs Freeburg | 4:15pm