Monday, February 05, 2024
Character Ed Theme – Integrity
- There will be on lunch menu change on Tuesday, February 6th. Instead of BBQ Pork Nachos, they will be serving BBQ Chicken Nachos.
- Crazy Hats Skate Party is on Wednesday, February 28th from 5pm-7pm at Skate City. $7.00 Admission Fee and $4 Skate Rental. Bring your friends and family for a Private skate party for MCS only!
- Did you miss the yearbook ordering deadline? You have one last chance to get your orders submitted online. Please go to to place your order by February 16th. The purchase of extra yearbooks at the end of the year is not guaranteed, and there is not a waiting list. Order now!
- The Sweetheart Dance is on Friday, February 9th for 6th through 8th graders from 7-9pm. The cost is $5. Please pick up a permission slip in the hallways.
- Attention students, Young Author's manuscripts are due no later than February 7th. No late entries will be accepted. Entries must have a substantial cover. Notebook paper will not be accepted. Winners will be notified by February 20th if they will be invited to attend the ceremony at Westhaven School. If you have any questions you may reach out to Mrs. Harms. Good luck authors!
- Beta Club News: Special Beta Club meeting for Convention attendees only will meet at 7:30am in room 207 (Mrs. Rasmussen’s) on Feb. 8th! February 13th all members to meet at 7:30am in Gymnasium.
- Val-O-Grams are on sale today during lunch hours and will remain on sale through Friday, February 9th. The cost is $1 and includes a Crush soda and a message.
- Student Council has a meeting tomorrow morning at 7:15. Please wear your STUCO shirts. Mrs. Weaver will be taking our picture for the yearbook.
- Congrats to the 7th grade girls volleyball team on their 1st Place Tournament win this weekend in Red Bud! The girls defeated Marissa, Dupo, Columbia, and made a HUGE comeback win over Pinckneyville in the championship to secure first place. Way to go girls! Please go to Coach D's room directly following announcements.
| January |
| Chess @ HOME | 4:00pm
2/6 | Student Council Meeting | 7:15am |
2/6 | Scholar Bowl @ Smithton | 3:45pm |
| 6/7/8 Volleyball @ Smithton | 4:15pm
2/7 | Wrestling @ HOME vs Mascoutah | 5:00pm |
| PTA Meeting @ MPC | 7:00pm
2/8 | Scholar Bowl @ Waterloo | 3:45pm |
| 6/7/8 Volleyball @ Waterloo | 4:15pm
| Jr High Semi-Formal Sweetheart Dance | 7:00pm
2/13 | Student Council Meeting | 7:15am |
2/13 | Beta Club Meeting in Gymnasium | 7:30am |
2/13 | Scholar Bowl @ HOME vs Freeburg | 3:45pm |
| 7/8 Volleyball @ HOME vs Columbia | 5:00pm
| 8th Grade Volleyball @ HOME vs St.James | 5:00pm
| Scholar Bowl @ SPPCS | 3:45pm
2/19 | No School – President’s Day | 4:15pm |
2/20 | Cholar Bowl @ HOME vs Marissa |
3:45pm |
| Board Meeting in Band Room | 7:00pm
2/22 | Scholar Bowl & HOME vs Red Bud | 3:45pm |
2/22 | 6/7/8 Volleyball @ HOME vs Freeburg | 4:15pm |
2/27 | Scholar Bowl @ HOME vs Columbia |
3:45pm |
2/27 | 6/7/8 Volleyball @ Wesclin | 4:30pm |
| MCS Skate Night @ Skate City |
| 6/7/8 Volleyball @ HOME vs Smithton | 4:15pm
3/1 | MTA Donut Day | 8:00am |
3/1 | 6/7/8 Volleyball @ HOME vs Waterloo | 4:15pm |