Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Character Ed Theme – Integrity
- Beta Club- There is a meeting for Convention Members only tomorrow morning 2/29 at 7:30am
- 6th-8th grade don't forget tomorrow is Chick-Fil-A day. Your lunch will be served outside of Mr. Weaver's office during your lunch hour. - Mrs. Wilson
- 8th Grade baby pictures are being returned. Please remember to give them back to your parents immediately. Thanks!
- Donut Day is this Friday 3/1! Don’t forget to bring $1!!
- 6th-8th Grade– Track and Soccer Sign-ups are posted in the gym
- Crazy Hats Skate Party is on tonight, February 28th from 5pm-7pm at Skate City. $7.00 Admission Fee and $4 Skate Rental. Bring your friends and family for a Private skate party for MCS only!
| February |
| MCS Skate Night @ Skate City | 5:00pm
2/29 | Beta Club Convention Members Only Meeting | 7:30am |
| 6/7/8 Volleyball @ HOME vs Smithton | 4:15pm
3/1 | MTA Donut Day | 8:00am |
| 6/7/8 Volleyball @ HOME vs Waterloo | 4:15pm
| Science Olympiad Tournament @ SWIC | 7am – 5pm
| 6/7/8 Volleyball @ HOME vs SPPCS 8th Grade Night 5pm | 4:15pm
3/5 | Student Council Meeting | 7:15am |
| 7/8 Volleyball @ Columbia | 4:30pm
3/6 | 6/7/8 Volleyball @ Dupo | 4:15pm |
| PTA Meeting at MPC | 7:00pm
3/7 | MPC - Land of Smiles Assembly | 2:30pm |
| 8th Grade Volleyball Conference Tournament | TBA
3/8 | End of 3rd Quarter / MCS Panther Pride Assembly | 2:30pm |
| 8th Grade Volleyball Conference Tournament | TBA