Thursday, March 07, 2024
Character Ed Theme – Humility
Ø Congrats to the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade volleyball teams on their victories over Dupo last night! 6th and 7th grade girls, please return your jerseys to Coach D and Coach Gabel as soon as possible. Great job on a fantastic season for both teams!
Ø Good luck to our 8th grade volleyball team as they begin their conference tournament tonight!
Ø Student Council and Beta Students: There is a sign-up sheet for the Civic Club Bunny Brunch on March 23. We are in need of workers to help with crafts and face painting. Please sign-up. - Mrs. Wilson
Ø 6-8th grade boys and girls soccer tryouts start MONDAY, March 11th. Please check the flyers posted in the gym or see Mrs. Sangiolo for more info.
Ø Earth Day Fundraiser Don’t forget to bring in your loose change!!
Ø Its Social Worker week – Make sure you thank Mrs. Missey and Sandy Price for everything They do for us!
Ø Farm Club will host a Hat Day Fundraiser on Friday March 8th for $1!!
Ø 8th Grade baby pictures are being returned. Please remember to give them back to your parents immediately. Thanks!
Ø 6th-8th Grade– Track and Soccer Sign-ups are posted in the gym.
March 4th – 8th Earth Day Fundraiser
Earth Day Fundraiser……We are happy to announce the annual Earth Day Fundraiser is beginning. Classrooms will be collecting donation throughout the week. The classroom raising the most funds will earn a “Happy Days Ice Cream Sundae ~ Party in the Park” There will be one winner from each school! All proceeds will be used for the beautification of the school campuses and Earth Planters will be filled with flowers for both the 8th Grade Graduation and Kindergarten Graduation. Thank you!
We have our Panther Pride assembly on Friday at 2:30. The seating in the gym will be as follows:
-3rd grade seated on the floor of the gym
-4th grade in center of bleachers on both sides of gym, or on floor if there isn't enough space
-5th grade in bleachers on visitor side, start near back of gym
-6th grade in bleachers on visitor side, start near stage end of gym
-7th grade in bleachers on home side, start near back of gym
-8th grade in bleachers on home side, start near stage end of gym
· As you may know, I sponsor Odyssey of the Mind here at MCS. We are hosting our state tournament for Odyssey on April 6th at Central Junior High in Belleville. MCS is sending 5 teams to state this year. Advancement at state allows the teams to compete at World Finals in May at Iowa State University. There are 5 types of problems: vehicle, technical, classics, structure, and drama. All are usually very funny!
· Odyssey of the Mind volunteers needed… As with most things, our volunteer base has shrunk since COVID. We are in desperate need for judges for our state tournament on April 6th. Please see email that was sent for more information. If you or someone you know would be interested in volunteering (we just ask that our judges be 16 or older), we would love your help. If you are interested in more information, please email me and let me know. Here is the direct link to sign up: Let me know if you do direct sign up so I can let the judging coordinators know! ---Thank you! Becky Rasmussen
| March |
| Earth Day Fundraiser
| N/A
3/7 | MPC - Land of Smiles Assembly | 2:30pm |
| 8th Grade Volleyball Conference Tournament
3/8 | End of 3rd Quarter / MCS Panther Pride Assembly | 2:30pm |
3/8 | 8th Grade Volleyball Conference Tournament | TBA |
3/8 | 2nd Grade Field Trip to Skate City |
| Farm Club Hat Day! Bring in $1
| N/A
| 7th-8th Grade IAR Testing
3/12 | Student Council Meeting | 7:15am |
3/12 | Beta Club Meeting | 7:45am |
| 5th Grade Dare Graduation
| 1:40am
| STEAM Night
| 6:00pm
| Report Cards Distributed
| N/A
3/19 | NO SCHOOL – Teacher Institute | N/A |
| Board Meeting in MCS Band Room
| 7:00pm
| 7th Grade Field Trip to Zoo
| 8:30am
| Read Aloud Day
| 8:30am
| NO SCHOOL - Spring Break | N/A |