Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Character Ed Theme – Commitment
Ø Panthers Got Talent is underway on Monday, May 13th! A google form will be sent to 5th-8th grader students.
Ø Beta Club is hosting a cereal box drive for the Millstadt Food pantry April 29 - May 5. The class at each campus that has the most number of cereal boxes at the end of the week will win a donut party. Beta students will be collecting each morning at MCS and each study hall time at MPC that week. Thank you! –Mrs. Rasmussen
Ø 7th & 8th Grade Students-If you want to sign up for the field day volleyball tournament on May 10th, sign-up sheet is in the gym.
Ø Student Council is hosting its last dance of the year next Friday, May 3rd from 7-9 for 6th -8th grade and an extra hour 9-10 for 8th graders. Food will be provided the last hour for 8th grade. There will be a photo booth and the same amazing DJ. Come celebrate with us at the Firecracker Frolic! (Red, White, and Blue theme) Admission is $5. Permission slips will be available next week.
Ø Flag tryouts will be on Thursday 5/2 and Friday 5/3 after school in the gym from 3:30-4:30
Ø BLOOD DRIVE on May 29th – In memory of Shane Toenjes at St James Catholic Church (412 W. Washington Ave, Millstadt) from 3:00pm to 8:00pm. If you are able, please donate! Please call 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767 or visit and enter MILLSTADT to schedule an appointment.) Thanks for giving! See flyer by main entry for more information if needed.
Ø Jazz Band – Fantastic job last night at the art fair performance, you sounded great! Please come get your chair and a music stand after you eat lunch and take it to the gym for set up. Percussion, please set you your equipment for tonight. Be here by 6:30 tonight for final set up and performance--- Ms. Drennan
| April |
4/30 4/30
5/1 5/1
5/3 5/3 5/3 5/3
5/9 5/9
5/13 5/13
5/14 5/14 5/14
5/15 5/15 5/15
5/16 5/16
5/17 5/17 5/17
5/20 5/20 5/20
Track Regionals @ Belleville West Spring Band Concert
Spring Band Concert for Students PTA Meeting @ MPC
6th Grade Field Trip to Science Center
MTA Donut Day Track Conference Meet @ Dupo KHC Assembly at MPC Jr High Firecracker Frolic Dance
Soccer @Edwardsville/Lincoln
Student Council Meeting
Path Day @ MPC
Chorus Concert for Students Spring Chorus Concert
Field Day
2nd Grade Field Trip to STL Zoo 5th-8th Grade Talent Show
Regular Beta Club Meeting 1st Grade Field Trip to Camp Wartburg MCS Awards Assembly
8th Grade Graduation Practice/Dismissal after Last Day for Pre-K/ECC Students 8th Grade Graduation
Pre-K Screenings 3rd Grade Field Trip to Busch Stadium/Suson Park
End of 4th Quarter Pre-K Screenings 4th Grade Field Trip to Brookdale Farm
Last Day of School/11:30 Dismissal Kindergarten Graduation Board Meeting |
10:00am 7:00pm
9:00am 7:00pm
8:00am 1:00pm 1:45pm 7:00pm
2:00pm 7:00pm
8:30am 1:30am
7:30am 8:45am 1:30pm
8:30am 9:00am 6:00pm
8:00am 8:45am
8:00am 8:00am 9:00am
N/A 9:00am 7:00pm |