Tuesday, May 07, 2024
Character Ed Theme – Accomplishment
Ø Help us, Help others! Donation Drive being held by the 6th Grade Millstadt Project from May 7th to May 15th. Choose which area of the community you would like to donate to (First Responder Care Packages or Senior Center Bingo Prizes & Millstadt Gardens Care Packages.! Donations can be dropped off in any MCS or MPC office, or brought in to your homeroom teacher. Please see the flyer located in the virtual backpack. Thanks for donating!
Ø Any track athlete that is not going to the State Track Meet needs to turn in their jersey to Coach Bilbruck by Friday, May 10th.
Ø Panthers Got Talent is on Monday, May 13th! The following students were selected to perform: Emma Vrooman, Kate Haake, Aubrey Wargo, The Dancing Divas, Connor Crank, Elizabeth Naylor, Esmee Balance Husted, Braylee Peyman, and Vincent Koch. Congratulations and please report to the gym Wednesday, May 8th at 2:30 pm for the Dress Rehearsal, bring all gear and outfits!
Ø 7th & 8th Grade Students-If you want to sign up for the field day volleyball tournament on May 10th, sign-up sheet is in the gym.
Ø VFW Poster Winners! Congratulations to Lucas Hoffeditz and Amelia Jackson who got 2nd place in the 3rd Grade Category. Please come to the office to pick up your awards and posters. Great Job! Thanks for your participation!
Ø Student Council - It's time to elect Student Council Members for next year!!! Petitions have
been given to a teacher in grades 5-7. Please read through the requirements carefully. You must get 25 classmates from your grade level to sign your petition as well as 4 teachers that can attest to your character. Once you have filled out all the questions and received your signatures, please turn it in to your homeroom teacher. They are due Thursday, May 9th!! - The following are some guidelines for acceptance in Student Council: Maintain at least a 3.0 GPA. Display leadership qualities. Have the ability to work with others. Demonstrate appropriate behavior in and out of the classroom. Possess the desire to make Millstadt Schools a better place!!
If you are planning to run for student council for next year, petitions are due this Thursday. Elections will take place next week! Thank you! Mrs. Wilson
| MAY |
5/7 5/7
5/9 5/9
5/13 5/13
5/14 5/14 5/14
5/15 5/15 5/15
5/16 5/16
5/17 5/17 5/17
5/20 5/20 5/20
Student Council Meeting Soccer @ Belle Clair v. Granite City (Rainout Make-up)
Path Day @ MPC
Chorus Concert for Students Spring Chorus Concert
Field Day
2nd Grade Field Trip to STL Zoo 5th-8th Grade “Panthers Got Talent” Show
Regular Beta Club Meeting 1st Grade Field Trip to Camp Wartburg MCS Awards Assembly
8th Grade Graduation Practice/Dismissal after Last Day for Pre-K/ECC Students 8th Grade Graduation
Pre-K Screenings 3rd Grade Field Trip to Busch Stadium/Suson Park
End of 4th Quarter Pre-K Screenings 4th Grade Field Trip to Brookdale Farm
Last Day of School/11:30 Dismissal Kindergarten Graduation Board Meeting |
7:15am 4:00pm
2:00pm 7:00pm
8:30am 1:30am
7:30am 8:45am 1:30pm
8:30am 9:00am 6:00pm
8:00am 8:45am
8:00am 8:00am 9:00am
N/A 9:00am 7:00pm |