Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Character Ed Theme –  

Attention Students….


Congratulations to Michael Robertson who was awarded 3rd Place in the region with

His outstanding VFW Essay!  He was awarded $100 and he attended an awards

Ceremony at the Waterloo VFW.  Michael was also January Optimist Student of the

Month!  Way to Go Michael!!


Attention Science Olympiad Members…. We will meet today at 12:30 p.m. 

Attention Vocal Motion Members…. Any vocal motion member interested in performing a solo for contest should see Mrs. Alt this week. 

 Attention All Students…. Holiday Spirit Week is next week starting January 11th through Jan. 15th, 2021!!! 

Monday:  Polar Express Pajama Day – Prepare for a perfect break in your comfiest PJ’s!!

Tuesday:  Holiday Hats, Headwear & Socks – Wow us with you Santa hats and anything else you can come up with!

Wednesday:  Ugly Sweater Day – It’s Ugly Sweater Day….GO ALL OUT!!

Thursday:  Crazy Holiday Hair – Bring out your inner Cindy Lou Who and wear your hair CRAZY! 

Friday:  Festive Friday – It’s Holiday Clothes HEAD TO TOE!!










Report Cards Distributed



No School – Martin Luther King Day