Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Character Ed Theme –  Tolerance

Attention Students….  

Attention Band Students…. Cookie Dough Forms are due Today!  Thanks, Mrs. D


Attention Math Team…. We will meet today at lunch.  Ms. Glaesser


Attention Students… Come out and support the girls tonight as they have their first home volleyball game against Columbia. Games start at 5, and it will be a black out, so wear all black to support our girls!


Attention Students…. Extra curricular group pictures that were taken this winter will be available for purchase until Friday, February 25th.  Picture order forms can be picked up from your homeroom teacher, outside of Mr. Weaver's office, or in the office.  Thank you.  Mrs. Weaver


Attention Students… If you missed out on ordering a yearbook at the beginning of the year, go to and place your order today!  Hurry!  You only have a few days left.  Extra yearbooks at the end of the year are not guaranteed.  Thank you! Mrs. Weaver


Attention 8th Grade Students….  A representative for Jostens will be in the conference room by the office to measure for caps and gowns on Tuesday,  February 22nd during your lunch period.  Please eat your lunch and then to come the office. 








Scholar Bowl vs Columbia @ MCS

3:45 p.m.


7th/8th Grade Volleyball vs Columbia @ MCS

5:00 p.m.


School Board Meeting  in the MCS Band Room

7:00 p.m.


Scholar Bowl vs New Athens @ MCS

3:45 p.m.


No School – Presidents Day



Scholar Bowl vs Smithton @ MCS

3:45 p.m.


6th/7th/8th Grade Volleyball vs St. James @ MCS

4:15 p.m.


6th/7th/8th Grade Volleyball vs Freeburg @ MCS

4:15 p.m.


Scholar Bowl Conference Tournament @ Smithton

9:00 a.m.