Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Character Ed Theme – Responsibility
Attention All Students….
Ø Attention Beta Club Members… Those who have containers from the cookie walk who would like to keep them, should pick them up in the lab by the end of today… NOT tonight, or tomorrow but by 3:30 today!!
Ø Attention Students…. Today is the last day for Candy Grams!!!
Ø Attention 7th grade Girl's Basketball Players.... Please meet in Mrs. Reimann's room from 3:30-4:15 today for the end of the season gathering.
Ø Attention Students… Beta Club will have cookies on sale before school and at lunch today for .50 a bag.
Ø Attention Student Council Members… There will be a meeting tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m.
- Attention Art Students....Thank you so very much for sharing your talent and creating such beautiful ornaments for the trees at both MCS and MPC! Please remember to take your ornament home prior to the last day of school (Thursday). Have a wonderful holiday break! Mrs. Jenkins
Ø Attention 7th Grade Boys Basketball Players…. Please wash and return your uniforms by tomorrow.
· Attention 3rd – 8th Grade Students…. Pizza Day is today from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Receive 2 slices of cheese pizza, a bag of chips and a bottle of water for $5. Served outside the gym.
| DECEMBER 2018 |
19th | Band Concert | 7:00 p.m. |
20th | Second Grading Period Ends MPC Christmas Parties MCS Christmas Parties |
2:15 p.m 2:30 p.m. |
Dec. 21st – January 4th | Christmas Break
| JANUARY 2019 |
Jan. 7th, 2019
| Return to School |
23rd | Sports Pictures for all Basketball Teams, Volleyball, Wrestling and All Academic Teams & Clus |