Monday, October 17, 2022
Character Ed Theme – Responsibility
- STATE CHAMPIONS!!!!! – The cross Country team represented Millstadt Saturday at the State Meet. We competed against some schools that were 2 to 3 times bigger than us but that didn’t stop your Panthers. They showed up and accepted the challenge. In the boys state race we had 2 individuals compete.. Joel Kurfman reached his personal goal and ran a personal record! Easton Blair also reached his personal goal and place 4th overall, receiving recognition and a medal! Way to go Boys!! The girls competed as a team and didn’t disappoint either! The following girls were apart of the team that traveled to State: Brooke Scharringhausen, Sadie Dube, Alivia Lahaie, Ella Dube, Josie Coughlin who placed in a dramatic 3rd place overall, Mikah Davis placed 7th, Alyssa Sternau place 9th, Tilly Segraves placed 16th, and Lucy Seneczyn placed 40th! All together these girls combined a team score of 64 beating the next best team by 27 points and winning State Championship for MCS!! They smashed it!! Congratulations to you all! Thank you for putting in the work, fighting through the injuries and pain, and encouraging one another all season long! It paid off! So proud of everyone on this year’s cross country team! Go Panthers!
- 8th Grade Boys Basketball - Players should report to Mr. Bilbruck’s classroom after school today.
- 8th Grade - Students interested in submitting a design for the cover of the yearbook must have your entries to Mrs. Fischer no later than Tuesday October 25th! Please see Mrs. Fischer for any questions.
- Beta Club - Beta Club Induction slips are due TOMORROW, Tuesday 10/18!
- Student Council - The Student Council has a meeting tomorrow morning at 7:30. If you are staying to help me today after school, I will meet you in room 209.
Don't forget the Monster Mash Dance Friday, Oct. 21st from 7-9pm for 6th-8th graders. Permission slips are on the Student Council board and in the 6th grade hallway. You need one to attend and turn them in the night of the dance!
Student Council will also be selling Ghost Grams this year in the morning at MPC and at lunch at MCS Oct. 19-25. Send a Halloween greeting to a friend or yourself for $1. It will include a ring pop!
| October |
10/20 | 8th Boys Basketball at Central Jr. High Tourney
Student Council Meeting
7th-8th Girls Basketball at Smithton
Board Meeting
Picture Retake Day MCS only
Report Cards Distributed
Parent-Teacher Conferences
7/8 Girls Basketball at Waterloo |
6:00pm |