Next week we will celebrate Read Across America/Sr. Seuss Week. Here are the themes for each day next week: MONDAY: Oh, The Places You’ll Go! Wear a vacation trip shirt. TUESDAY: Put Me in the Zoo - Wear stripes or polka dots. WEDNESDAY: Wacky Wednesday - Wear your wackiest clothing combination...inside out, backwards, is all wacky! THURSDAY: Fox in Socks - Wear crazy or mismatched socks. FRIDAY: The Cat in the Hat - Wear your favorite hat!
about 2 years ago, Millstadt CCSD
Congratulations to our February Character Award winners!
about 2 years ago, Millstadt CCSD
Congratulations to the Optimist Student of the Month, Joel Kurfman!
about 2 years ago, Millstadt CCSD
6th graders were treated to a guest speaker today to wrap up their unit on Ancient India. We had a great time and learned a lot! Kamal De is from India and is very knowledgeable!
about 2 years ago, Millstadt CCSD
6th Grade
Good afternoon: Tomorrow afternoon and Thursday, Forest Hill School Road will be closed from 163 to Mueller Road. Bus 9 will use Concordia Church Road, then Mueller Road, and then get to Forest Hill School Road to finish the route. The bus will be about 5 minutes later than normal tomorrow afternoon and Thursday. Friday should be back to normal. Thanks.
about 2 years ago, Millstadt CCSD
Love is in the air at MPC!
about 2 years ago, Millstadt CCSD
Congratulations to our Science Olympiad team for winning the regional championship! Out of 23 events, they received 10 first place medals and 5 second place medals. They will compete at the state competition in April at U of I!
about 2 years ago, Millstadt CCSD
science Olympiad
Congratulations to the scholar bowl team for defeating Columbia in both of their matches today!
about 2 years ago, Millstadt CCSD
Due to power lines down on Polk Street, Buses 6 & 8 will be running 10-15 minutes behind for their town pick ups this morning.
about 2 years ago, Millstadt CCSD
Congratulations to our chess team! They are conference champions for the 9th year in a row! Way to go!!! Mrs. Nolte is their coach. We are proud of you!
about 2 years ago, Sandi Pegg
Group pictures for the yearbook have been rescheduled for Wednesday, February 15th.
about 2 years ago, Sandi Pegg
Congratulations to our 8th grade volleyball team for their win against Freeburg tonight in 3 sets. It was an exciting, hard fought, back and forth contest!
about 2 years ago, Millstadt CCSD
Kids Heart Challenge Assembly at MPC!
about 2 years ago, Millstadt CCSD
Good morning: Anyone who has a kindergartner starting this fall please have registration paperwork to the Primary Center before Feb. 14. If you have not received a registration packet, it can be found on the school website under "Virtual Backpack". Please send completed paperwork to Janice Seidlitz electronically. Her email is: Please call Janice at 618-476-7100 ext. 1021 if you have any questions or need to drop off hard copies of paperwork. Also, if you have a student who will turn 4 by Sept. 1st and are interested in our PreK program, please contact Janice. Thanks.
about 2 years ago, Millstadt CCSD
Millstadt District 160 is closed today, Monday, January 30th.
about 2 years ago, Sandi Pegg
Group pictures for the yearbook will be taken Monday morning. Please bring your uniform and/or group shirts to wear for the picture. The following group pictures will be taken: 6th, 7th, and 8th grade volleyball, wrestling (MCS sweatshirts), odyssey of the mind, jazz band, singsation, vocalmotion, beta club, student council, scholar bowl, science olympiad, chess, math team, spelling bee, and office helpers
about 2 years ago, Sandi Pegg
Good afternoon: Do to unforeseen circumstances, we will be a driver short this afternoon. Bus 6 students who go to St. James will ride bus 5 to St. James. The rest of bus 6 students will be dropped off about 30 minutes later than normal. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding.
about 2 years ago, Millstadt CCSD
Due to the forecast of inclement weather, school is closed tomorrow, Wednesday, January 25th.
about 2 years ago, Sandi Pegg
Congratulations to the Scholar Bowl team for their two exciting wins over Smithton tonight!
about 2 years ago, Millstadt CCSD
Good morning: Today we will be a driver short. Bus 6 students who go to St. James will ride bus 5 to St. James. The rest of bus 6 students will be dropped off about 30 minutes later than normal. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding.
about 2 years ago, Millstadt CCSD