The track meet today is cancelled.
Correction: Opening Day for the Cardinals is changed to Friday. So wear your Cardinal red on Friday!!
Wear your Cardinal red on Thursday!!
Read Aloud Day is coming!
Congratulations to the 8th grade volleyball team for their two wins tonight. Regional Champions!
Congratulations to the 8th grade volleyball team for winning the Consolation Championship in the conference tournament today!
Congratulations to both 7th & 8th grade volleyball teams for the victories over Smithton tonight!
Good Morning Millstadt families. The ice that we received overnight has caused some problems for our morning arrival. Unfortunately, we will be closing school today, Thursday, February 28.
Grades pre-K through 5th: Let's wear Cardinal red on Monday to welcome Fredbird! He will be here for an assembly at MPC on Monday at 10:00. He will be at MCS for grades 3-5 at 1:30.
Congratulations to Kiersten Scheibel the Optimist Student of the Month!
Congratulations 7th and 8th grade volleyball on your victories this evening!
Congratulations to our Character Award Winners for the month of February!
The C volleyball game this evening is cancelled. B team will play at 4:15. A team will play immediately after the B game.
The junior high dance this evening is rescheduled for March 1st.
Thank you Dr. Connolly for talking to our primary students about their teeth
Here are some pictures from our last wrestling meet from yesterday!
Congratulations to both 7th & 8th grade volleyball teams for their wins over Columbia tonight!
Reminder that there is an 8th grade trip meeting for 7th grade parents Tuesday, February 12th, at 7:00 pm in the MPC library.
Math Night is coming soon!
Dear Parents,
We have recently started a Panther Pride Committee at MCS, that is dedicated to motivating and rewarding students for their academic success. As part of our goal, we plan on having prize giveaways for our third through eighth grade students. We know that several of our MCS families have their own companies and/or work for companies that may willing to donate prizes for our students. If you or your business would be willing to donate any items, please contact Stacy Belosi, MCS teacher @ (618) 476-1681 ext 4040. The Panther Pride Committee looks forward to working with our families and community.